A new normal…
I keep hearing people saying that they can’t wait for things to return to ‘normal’, but what is ‘normal’? If the normal we are referring to is life before lock-down, I’m not sure I want to go back to that?
Life before lock down
Before lock-down, my life was busy & hectic, filled with ferrying my three boys to and from school/nursery, after school clubs, play dates, building my business & all the other stuff associated with caring for my family. My husband was working in London, so he was commuting everyday and was out of the house for 14 hours a day, so I was doing a lot of it on my own during the week.
Now, I’m not saying that lock-down has been a breeze, it hasn’t, but there have been many positives. We are very fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful parts of the UK, but we have only been here a little over a year. So during this time, we have had time to really explore our local surroundings. We haven’t had to rush around, everything has really slowed down & the boys seem so much calmer. My husband has been working from home, so he has been around more, the boys love this & so do I. Despite my initial fears, my business is actually doing OK. I can still conduct my coaching sessions over Zoom & I am improving my visibility on social media. It is about being open to change, growing, feeling the fear, but going ahead and doing it anyway!
Connection is important
One of things that I have realised about myself during this time, is that even though I am an introvert, I still need connection & interaction with people. Especially other creatives. So, I have been running virtual meet-ups for the members of my Facebook group ‘The Creative Coaching Hub’. I love these sessions & so do my members. One of my members even referred to it as her weekly creative therapy session! They have been so great that I am going to carry them on beyond lock-down. So if you fancy joining us, you can click here to join.
What new habits have you started during lock-down that you are going to carry on? What is your ‘new normal’?