Learning from lock-down…
I don’t think I really fully understood the impact lock-down was going to have on a global scale. In every situation there is a lesson to be learned, but we don’t always see straight away. I thought I would share my learning from lock-down.
Initially, I felt annoyed. Frustrated because of how it was going to affect me, my world and my life. You see, I felt like I was just starting to get somewhere with my business. The two eldest boys had finally settled at school. My youngest was just about to get his funded hours at nursery. I was going to have so much more time to work on my business. Then WHAM! All that optimism, extra time & possibility was wiped out with the dreaded announcement that all schools & nurseries were to close!

Homeschooling nightmare
Even though I am a actually a fully qualified teacher, the thought of homeschooling my own little darlings filled me with utter dread. I was about to enter a homeschooling nightmare! I was also mourning the loss of my alone time. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family with all my heart. I love spending time with them, our family time is precious & we have lots of laughs. But, as an introvert, I also need my alone time to regroup, recharge & re-energise.
Keep showing up
At the same time as all this going on, I started working towards my ICF accreditation for coaching. To some of you reading this, you might think that I was crazy to take on something else during this time. The truth was that it had already started & I had already made the commitment to myself, my business & my coaching mentor.
An interesting shift happened though. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or thinking I had taken on too much. It actually gave me a different focus from what was going on the world around me. It gave me a structure and an anchor point to my week. I kept showing up, not just for myself, but for my fellow coaching colleagues, my mentor, my business and my coaching clients.
What am I learning in lock-down?
What am I learning in lock-down? That there is a world out there that is much bigger than what is going on in my life. Sometimes we need to pause, take a step back & look at the bigger picture. Following through with my coaching accreditation, will help me become a better coach. The ripple effect of this will be better results for my clients and being able to have a bigger impact on them & their lives.
So keep showing up and sharing your work, the world needs you to keep doing what you do!
During lockdown I started hosting virtual coffee breaks with the members of my Facebook group The Creative Coaching Hub. A chance to connect & chat with like minded creatives, you can join here.