Why I’m doing the #100 Day Project…
It’s been a while since my last blog post. Mainly down to having all 3 of my boys at home whilst trying to sort out school & nursery places. Throw in the Easter holidays with trips away, visitors staying etc. time just passed me by!

I am taking part in the #100DayProject on Instagram. For those that don’t know, this is a daily project that started on 2nd April this year. The idea is that you choose a theme and post something every day for 100 days related to that theme.
The theme I have chosen for my project this year is #100DaysOfCreativeCoaching.
Last years #100DayProject
I attempted to do the #100DayProject last year with my project theme being #100DaysOfArtJournaling and only made it to day 57 I think. Initially really disappointed in myself, upon reflection I am actually really proud of my achievement. The purpose of my project last year was to build up a creative habit for myself. After feeling creatively stuck for a while, I was looking for a way to just be creative, without a purpose, just to play. A little bit of online research & I discovered @Mariekeblokland and her art journaling course #jot2018. I am not an affiliate, so do not benefit from this, but I would highly recommend her online courses they are fab. She also has a YouTube channel you can check out here.

Anyway, I learnt a lot from taking part in the #100DayProject last year. So here are my biggest lessons for you, just in case you decide you might like to take part in something like this in the future;
- Get organised and start planning your content in advance (I don’t mean necessarily create it!) so that you’re not scrabbling around for ideas.
- Choose a project or subject you are interested in and won’t get bored with.
- Really think about & connect with why you want to undertake your project – this will help motivate you to carry on as you get further into it!
- You don’t have to post every day – this was a big source of anxiety for me last year, but it’s supposed to be fun, don’t beat yourself up!
- Mix up your posts, maybe photo’s, images of your own work and some videos.
- If you’re going away, create and schedule your posts in advance using a tool such as Hootsuite or Planoly.
- Have fun and enjoy connecting with other people, it is called “social media”!
How can I help you?
My reasons for choosing #100DaysOfCreativeCoaching are that having learnt so much through my own journey of self discovery & creative career. From my work in the fashion industry to teaching creative subjects, receiving coaching and also coaching my own clients. I know that there are creative minded people that will be struggling with the same things. So my mission is to reach some of those that might need some help or support with unblocking or kickstarting their creativity.
If you know anyone that might benefit from my coaching advice please share this blog post. Alternatively you can follow my project on Instagram here or through my Facebook page here.
If you get any ‘aha’ moments, please do comment or share with me as I would love to know how I have helped you!